2008年3月30日 星期日


藉由熟記這些句子, 模仿這些句子, 進而寫出自己
的句子或文章, 要腳踏實地的練習, 加油!!

本單元參考"寫日記學英文-凱信", 挑選初學者需要的
單元作修改&分類, 將分次分單元介紹給大家!!


1. It was boring. 這很是無聊
2. I will study hard. 我會用功的
3. I went to school. 我上學
4. I was late for school. 我上學遲到
5. I usually go home late. 我通常會晚回家
6. I was tired. 我累了
7. The homework was difficult. 功課很難
8. I’ll do my best. 我會全力以赴 (try my best)
9.I’m almost out of my mind. 我幾乎要瘋了
10.I missed my bus. (MRT) 我沒趕上公車 (捷運)
11.I overslept today. 我今天睡過頭了
12.I went home after school. 放學後我回家
13.I go home by bus. (MRT) 我搭公車(捷運)回家
14.I stay up late every night. 我每天晚上都熬夜
15.I am a night owl. 我是夜貓子
16.I dozed off in class. 我上課時打瞌睡
17.The teacher called my name suddenly, and I

....woke up from my dream.
....老師突然叫我名字, 我從夢中醒來
18.I won't burn the midnight oil ever after.
19.I studied English. 我讀英文
20.The homework was hard. 功課好難
21.I handed in my homework. 我交家庭作業
22.I flunked math. (English…) 我數學(英文)不及格
23.I had a good time. 我玩得很開心
24.I passed a slip to John. 我傳一張條給約翰
25.I fell behind my classmates. 我跟不上同學的進度
26.She spoke ill of me behind my back.
27.English is interesting. 英文很有趣
28.Math is boring. 數學很無聊
29.I was excited. 我很興奮
30.We had an oral practice in English class.
31.At first, I didn’t speak English loudly because

....of my poor English.
....剛開始我不敢大聲說, 因為我的英文很爛
32.Ms. Mary is very kind and has a lot of patience.

33.The teacher is calling the roll. 老師正在點名
.....The teacher is taking attendance.

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