2008年3月18日 星期二



11. inside out 內外反過來
....inside 裡面 / out 向外
...Dad put his sweater on inside out by mistake.

12. go Dutch 各自付帳

.....go在..的狀態 / Dutch 荷蘭式的 (採荷蘭的方式)
....They decided to go Dutch. 他們決定各自付帳

13. up to date 最新 ; 流行的
....up to 直到 / date 日期
....Tom, long time no see. So, bring me up to date
....on your life. 湯姆,好久不見。告訴我你近況如何。

....It's an up-to-date report. 這是有關最新情況的報告。

14. take off 脫掉
....take / off 離開
....The boy took off his shoes before diving into the
....lake to save the dog.
.... 那男孩脫掉鞋子,跳到湖裡去救那隻狗。

15. wear out 穿破;穿壞
....wear 磨損 / out 完全地
....My daughter's shoes are beginning to wear out.

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