2008年3月21日 星期五



16. pick out 挑選
…..pick 挑 / out 出來
.....Could you help me pick out some new clothes?

17. be in 流行 / be out 過時
…..in 流行的 / out 過時的
.....Miniskirts are in at the moment, but long skirts
.....are out right now.

18.make room for 讓位;騰出空間
….make 製造 / room 空間 / for 給
….Mary made room for an old man on the train.

19. stay in 待在家
…stay 待 / in 在家
…My sister plans to stay in this weekend and read
....some good books.

stay out待外面
…stay 待 / out 出去
…My parents won’t let me stay out late.

20. try on 試穿
…..try 嘗試 / on 穿..衣在身上
.....You should try on that skirt before you buy it.

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