2008年3月27日 星期四



21. stop by 稍事停留;順道拜訪
…..stop 停留 / by 經過
…..If you’re in the neighborhood, you can stop by and
.....say hello.

22. get used to 逐漸適應或習慣
…..get 變得/ used to 習慣於..(某事)
…..Stress is a fact of life. You’d better get used to it.

23. put on 穿戴;塗抹
…..put/ on穿..在身上

…..She took off the old dress and put on a new one.

24. call on 請求;要求
…..call 要求 / on
…..Mary called on her friends to help.

call on 拜訪
….I promised to call on her after the exam.

25.get lost 迷路;滾開
….get 處於..狀態 / lost 迷路的
….John got lost in the side streets of Rome.

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