2008年3月16日 星期日

GEPT預試考題(1) - (1-16)

1. Ruth needed a new notebook, so she looked for a store that sold _______.
A. products B. bookcase C. departments D. stationery

2. After we ate the fried chicken, our fingers were oily, so we asked the waitress for more _______.
A. napkins B. packages C. orders D. menus

3. Sara was _______ because her grandmother had put more money in her brother’s red envelope.
A. sneaky B. humble C. greedy D. jealous

4. Whitney told the doctor that she had _______ all night, and he gave her another kind of medicine.
A. cured B. crowed C. coughed D. clapped

5. Jack worked at the restaurant last year, but he doesn’t work there _______.
A. again B. anymore C. anywhere D. anyway

6. The student raced out of the classroom and bumped _______ a teacher who was carrying a cup of coffee.
A. into B. at C. to D. on

7. Mom, Johnny’s mother doesn’t have enough chairs for her dinner guests. She wants to borrow one of _______.
A. them B. your C. ours D. hers

8. Elementary school students don’t have as _______ homework as junior high students do.
A. more B. much C. most D. many

9. Both of those horses live on Jack’s farm, but _______ on the left isn’t his.
A. both B. another C. the one D. the other

10. Please separate your garbage and _______ it in the appropriate containers.
A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put

11. Writing letters _______ not as difficult as you think.
A. is B. are C. which is D. which are

12. The bus was full, but Judy saw an empty seat next to an old woman. “_______ I sit here?” she asked her.
A. Should B. Would C. May D. Will

13.The boys are in school every day until four o’clock in the afternoon. After that they _______ an hour playing baseball.
A. spent B. spend C. would spend D. have spent

14. We ran into the building because the rain _______ falling harder and harder.
A. was B. has been C.were D. will be

15. Mr. Li teaches mathematics at a public high school in Kaohsiung. He _______ there since 1995.
A. is B. was C. will be D. has been

第二部份: 段落填空

Questions 16-20

Helen had a terrible night last night. While she was doing her homework, the electricity went out. Even though she had a flashlight, she still (16) see very well. In addition, she had to comfort her little sister, (17) afraid of the dark.
After Helen finally fell asleep, an ambulance came down the street and (18) her up. Then, a thunderstorm started, so she had to get up and close her window. At 4:00, a baby started (19) loudly and kept her awake (20) an hour. Then at 6:00, her alarm clock rang; it was time to get up and go to school.

16. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t

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