2008年3月16日 星期日

GEPT預試考題(1) - (27-35)

27.What is the main reason why Billy wrote this letter?
A. To thank his grandparents for the gifts they sent
B. To tell his grandparents about the weather there
C. To tell his grandparents what Cathy does with the doll
D. To thank his grandparents for visiting them at Christmas

28. What does Billy NOT say about his sweater?
A. He likes the color.
B. He wears it to school.
C. Cathy likes it too.
D. It keeps him warm.

29. What has the weather probably been like?
A. Warm B. Cold C. Rainy D. Foggy

Questions 30-33
50% OFF on Big Name
Sports Glasses

High-fashion sunglasses in super colors, like rich red, beautiful blue, and great green! Perfect for tennis, running, or just spending time in the sun. All in this season’s HOT shapes, square and oval.

30. What is the purpose of this ad?
A. To sell an exercise machine
B. To sell a package tour
C. To sell big-name clothes
D. To sell sunglasses

31. What does “HOT” mean here?
A. Warm B. Angry C. Popular D. Expensive

32. What is the last word, “oval”?
A. A shape B. A color C. A size D. A number

Questions 33-35

The Martin family took a two-week vacation last summer. The day before the trip, all of the family members helped with the preparations. Mr. Martin asked the neighbors, the Smiths, to check the mailbox every day and take out any letters or advertisements. After lunch, Mrs. Martin took all the extra food out of the refrigerator; she gave some to the Smiths, and she threw away the rest. Paul Martin put several cans of dog food in a bag, and he took his big dog Roxy over to his friend’s house. Mary and Susie Martin cleaned the whole house. They swept and washed the floors in all of the rooms, dusted the furniture, and cleaned the bathroom.
That evening, the Martin family ate dinner at a restaurant. When they arrived home, Mr. Martin told the family to take off their clothes and put on T-shirts and shorts. Then his youngest daughter Cindy began to wash and dry everyone’s clothes.
“Now,” said Mr. Martin, “we can begin to pack our suitcases for the trip.”

33. What is a good title for this story?
A. Family Holiday Fun
B. Preparing to Leave Home
C. A Trip to the Store
D. A Party for the Neighbors

34. How many people are there in the Martin Family?
A. Eight B. Seven C. Five D. Six

35. Why did the family change their clothes?
A.To clean the house
B.To wash the clothes
C.To prepare for visitors
D.To go to a restaurant

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