2008年4月26日 星期六


151.catch cold 感冒
….. catch 染上 / cold 感冒
……Mary caught a cold yesterday.

152.point out 指出
….. point 指.. /out 出來
….. He pointed out the mistake to me.

153.get the better of 打敗
……get 得到 / the better of 比…好
……They got the better of their opponents.

154. stand a chance 有希望; 有可能
……stand 佔 / a chance 一個機會
……He doesn't stand a chance of passing the examination.

155. be about to V 即將要…; 正要..
……about 有…打算 / to V 要去…
……We are about to start.

156.now that 既然; 因為
……now 既然
……You ought to have a good rest now that you've

......finished the work.

157.live it up 盡情享樂
…….live 生活/ it 它 / up 完全地
…….It’s your birthday. Let’s live it up!
…….今天是你的生日, 讓我們盡情享受一下

158.call …up 打電話給…
……I will call you up this week to tell you my


159.beat around the bush 拐彎抹角
……beat 拍打 / around 在…周圍 / the bush 灌木叢
……Tim kept beating around the bush because he

......didn’t want to tell us the truth.
……提姆一直支吾其詞, 不想告訴我們事實

160.take over接管; 接替
……take 承擔 / over 轉移
……Mary can take over until we hire somebody.
……瑪莉可以接替, 直到我們找到人

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