2008年4月30日 星期三


191.be well-off 生活富裕
……well-off 富裕的
……My uncle is quite well-off.

192.earn a living 賺錢謀生
……earn 賺 / a living 生計
……John earns a living as a fortune-teller.

193.get out from under 擺脫負擔
……get out 擺脫 / from 從 / under 在..之下
……How can I get out from under my debt?

194.be better off 情況好轉
……May is better off since she moved to Taipei.
……瑪莉自從搬到台北後, 生活情況便有好轉了

195.hold on 稍後; 抓緊; 堅持
……hold 持續 / on 繼續
……Hold on a second! Let me get a chair for you.
……請稍等, 我幫你拿張椅子

196.talk over 商討
……talk 說話 / over 關於
……I need to talk it over with you.

197.cut in 插嘴; 插隊
……cut 切斷/ in 向裡面
….. Don't try to cut in while others are talking.

198.by the way 還有…
……by 藉由 / the way 這條路
……By the way, do you have any idea where the

......post office is?

199. leave open 暫緩決定
……leave 保留.../ open 開放的
……You should leave your options open.

200.find fault with 挑毛病
…..find 找到/ fault 過錯 / with 對..
…..Don’t always find fault with me.

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