2008年4月3日 星期四



1.carry a lantern提燈籠
..lantern 燈籠
2.set off fireworks放煙火
...set off 施放 / fireworks 煙火
3.have a feast吃大餐
...feast 盛宴
4.draw lots求籤
...draw 抽 / lots 籤
5.clean up大掃除
6.enjoy the beauty of the full moon賞月
7.watch a fireworks display看煙火表演
....display 表演
8.honor (offer) sacrifices to ancestors祭拜祖先
...sacrifice 祭品
9.stay up to usher in the new year跨年(守歲)
...stay up 熬夜 / usher 迎接
10.receive ‘hongbao’ 收壓歲錢
(red envelopes with lucky money紅包)
11.launch a sky lantern放天燈
....launch 發射 / sky lantern 天燈
12.have a family reunion與家人團圓
13.set (let) off firecrackers放鞭炮
....firecracker 鞭炮
14.row a dragon boat划龍舟
....row 划 / dragon boat 龍舟
15.sweep a tomb掃墓

....sweep 掃 / tomb 墓地

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