2008年4月13日 星期日


86.ask for 要求
….ask 要求 / for 為了
….John asked for a pay raise and then was fired on

....the spot.

87.kick around 欺負..; 討論
…..kick 踢 /around 到處
.....He always kicked his sons around, now they've

.....left home for good.

….We need to get together and kick this around for

.....a while.

88.speak ill of 說..的壞話
….speak 說 / ill 壞 / of 關於
….Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs.

…. speak well of 說..人好話
89.cover for 暫代; 掩護
….cover 掩護 / for 為了
….Tina will cover for Jane while she is out.

90.a steal 非常便宜
….a steal 以極低價格買來的東西
….This suit is a steal at $1000.

91.on the whole 在大體上
….on 依照 / the whole 整體 ; 全部
….On the whole, I like it.

92.go around 散播 ; 足夠分配
….go 走 / around 到處
…. The earth goes around the sun.


93.live up to 遵守 ; 達到
….live 過活/ up to 達到
….The book lived up to his expectations.

94.set out to V 開始做 ; 打算
….set 朝著/ out 向外/ to 去 (作….)
…. He set out to paint the whole house two hours


95.have one’s way 隨心所欲 ; 照..人的意思
….have 擁有 / one’s way 某人的方法
….Don’t let your brother have his own way.

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