2008年4月17日 星期四


96.look after 照顧
….look 看.. / after 在…後面
….I always look after my sister when my parents are


97.account for 佔了…/說明
….account 說明 ; 佔.. / for 對..
….According to a recent search, Taiwan accounts for
….20 percent of all sales in Asia.


98.fall through 失敗/落空
….fall 落下 / through 穿過
….This plan fell through at the last minute.

99.every now and then 有時
…. every 每個 / now 現在 / then 當時
→ 從當時到現在, 每隔一段時間就…
….Everyone feels sad every now and then.

100.take turns Ving輪流
…...take 採取.. / turns 每人一次的機會
……We took turns driving on the way home.

101.have something to do with 與..有關

……have 有 / to do with (和..有關)
......have nothing to do with 與..無關
……I have nothing to do with the case.

102.cut corners 節省 ; 偷工減料
……cut 剪 / corners 轉角
......Don't hurry. You cannot cut corners if you

......want to do a perfect job.

103.get in touch with 與..聯絡
….. get 取得/ in touch 接觸 / with 和
…..Please leave your information so that we can get

.....in touch with you.

104. give …a break 放…(人)一馬
……give 給…人 / a break 一個機會
……Why don’t you give him a break?

105. on duty 值班 ; 值勤
……on 處在…(狀態) / duty 職務
……John fell asleep while on duty.

106.be bound to V 一定會
……be bound 非做不可的
……If your project fails, our company is bound to

......lose the client.

107.at least 至少
……at 以…. / least 最少的
……I can eat at least ten apples.

108.look down on (人) 瞧不起..人
….. look 看 / down 向下 / on 朝著…
…...We can’t look down on John; he is a man of


109.out of the question 不可能
……out of 脫離 / the question 這個問題
……We can't go out in this weather; it's out of the


110.get along with 相處融洽
….. get along 和睦相處 / with 和
…..Mom hopes that I can get along with all my


111.last straw 達到容忍極限
……last 最後的 / straw 稻草
……You've been late for work too often. This is the

......last straw.

112.trade in 以…交換 ; 經營
……trade 作買賣 / in 在..方面
……I would like to trade in some products.
……He trades in silk.

113.search me 我不知道
….. search 搜查 /me 我
….”Where is Mom?” “Search me!”

114.sum up 總計
….. sum 總計/ up 完全地
…..Let's sum up our experience before going on.

115.give …人 a big hand 為…掌聲鼓勵
……give 給…/ a big hand 熱烈掌聲
……Let’s give John a big hand.

116.in the long run 終究 ; 到最後
……in 在 / long run 最後
……John didn’t pass the exam in the long run.

117.no wonder 難怪
……no 沒有 / wonder 驚訝
……No wonder you want to marry Jane.

118.be in one's shoes 站在…人的立場
….. in 穿 / shoes 鞋子
……Please put yourself in my shoes; I have to do this.

119.be cut out for適合
……cut out 安排 / for 為了..
……These are the tasks cut out for this week.
120. call it a day 結束當天的工作
……call 叫 / it 它 / a day 一天
……Let’s call it a day.

2 意見:

Andrew 提到...

很高興在妳的網站找到適合我使用的give ... a break的解釋。我是個文字工作者,尤其側重於英文翻譯成中文,如有機會,希望多多交流。我的網站是「財商羅網」(http://andrewlo.blogspot.com/)。另剛設一個「字諜羅網」(http://chinesespinning.blogspot.com/)。

Paulina 提到...

Andrew 您好

