2008年4月5日 星期六


51. set out 出發;開始
…set 出發/ out 外出
…Before we set out on our journey, we should check
...that we have prepared everything we need.

52. line up 排隊
…line 排隊 / up 靠近
…Would you mind lining up?

53. check in 住房登記
…check 核對/ in 進入
…I’d like to check in for flight XXXX.
....check out 退房登記
….check核對/ out 出來
….We will go to the airport after we check out of
....our hotel. ….我們退房後就前往機場。

54. take it easy 放輕鬆
…take 把..事看成 / easy 輕鬆的
…I don’t have any plans on the weekend.
…I’m just going to take it easy.

55. work out 健身 ; 理解;想出 
…work 勞動 / out 徹底地
…John works out at the gym twice a week.

…※ work out 也有擬定(計劃等)的意思

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