2008年5月3日 星期六

211 ~ 220

211.be looking up 逐漸好轉
……be looking 漸漸朝向/ up 向上
……Our financial situation will start to look up in

......the new year.

212.turn around 轉身 (turn … around 逆轉)
……turn 轉向 / around 調頭
……The policeman told the thief to turn around


213.close call 千鈞一髮
……close 勢均力敵的 / call 裁決
……That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car.

214.at all 一點也 (not…at all 一點也不)
……at 以… / all 所有
……I don't like her at all.

215.by far 顯著地
……by 相差 / far 遙遠的
……This book is by far the best.

216.in addition to 除…之外
……in addition 再加上 / to 到
……In addition to the assignments every day, we

......also have lots of tests.
……每天除了有功課之外, 我們還有很多考試

217.more or less 多多少少; 差不多
….. more 較多/ or 或 / less 較少
……His explanation was more or less helpful.

218.at best 頂多
……at 以/ best 最好
……At best we can do only half as much as last year.

219.run out of …用完
……run 變得… / out of 沒有了
……We’ve run out of milk, so we should buy some

……我們的牛奶快喝完了, 所以我們該再多買一些

220.show off 炫耀
……show 展示/ off 完全地
……He is always showing off.

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