2010年11月28日 星期日


哈燒新聞 第56期 ..(遠東高中英文網站提供)

Goodbye! Sony Walkman

永別了!Sony Walkman
The classic Sony Walkman cassette player will be fully discontinued. The
invention of the Walkman changed people’s methods of entertainment at the time. Although the market had doubts about the product in the beginning, over 50 million Walkmans were sold in the ten years it was on market. This made Sony one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers. However, now that music is digitalized, the Walkman has become obsolete.

Sony 經典商品 「Walkman」卡帶隨身聽日前宣布將全面停產。「Walkman」當年的發明改變了人類當時娛樂的方式。儘管一開始市場對此產品仍有疑慮,但「Walkman」出現十年內卻也賣出了5000萬台。一舉將 Sony 推向世界電子大廠。然而目前的音樂檔案都轉為數位化,「Walkman」也終被淘汰。

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